Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mama Tried 15

Mama Tried  2015 Milwaukee Wisconsin


For anybody that didn't make it to Mama Tried Motorcycle show this year, you missed a hell of a show. We arrived at the venue at about 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Parking by this time was nil and that's probably because by my estimates, anybody with a beard (men and women) within a two hundred mile radius was there.

With a tall boy PBR in one hand and a camera in the other, we took as many shots as we could. Now this place was packed and as I said in our preamble post, people came from all over to present their builds. Some just wanted to check it out.

I'm not going to down play it. The show was shit hot and not without a shortage of eye candy. There was chopper porn as far as the eye could see. There were custom choppers, dirt choppers, digger choppers, super choppers and café choppers. I might have made up half of that shit but basically there was something for everybody.

 There are too many things we could highlight from Mama Tried 15. However, personally I will say meeting folks such as Jeff Leighton of Orange, California was paramount. Jeff was an invited builder at Mama Tried with his nicely patinaed 1940 EL Knuckle. Jeff is also going to be returning as a featured builder at Born Free this year in late June. So keep your eye out for this guy.

Jeff Leighton's 40 Knuck

We also met his friend Frank Kaisler a contributing editor to Easyriders magazine starting in 1973 and then moved on to be its editor from 1982 to 1987. Nowadays, you may know him as the instructor behind LowBrow Custom's technical DVDs. I would like to add, both these guys, Frank and Jeff, were super cool and humble guys with some great knowledge. It was a real pleasure meeting both of them. We have countless shots from the show so we hope you enjoy them.


Ben Marx's 57 FL Pan/Shovel

Kevin "Teach" Baas's 40 ULH

Jerimiah Smith of Bravetown


Featured in the movie Hellride


Warren Heir jr
Jr's Cycle Products



Justin Moon from The Haints

Bobby "The Leg" Middleton of King Kustoms

Jeff Wright Church of Choppers

Dave Cook of Cook Customs

Mike Davis's 68 Shovel


Harpoon's 1950 Panhead

Competition Cycle's 49 Panhead

Warren Heir jr
Jr's Cycle Products

Larry Pierce
Garage Co

Tom Fugal